Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Add, Remove, System created List Columns in SharePoint Designer

If you wish to Add/Remove system generated columns in SharePoint designer (SPD), you need to first open up the site in SPD then open any view’s aspx file.
In design mode, you need to right click on the DataFormWebPart and select “convert to XLST data view”.

Now you should have a “Common data view tasks” popup, if not, just click on the arrow to the right. You could then select “edit columns”.
Select single column (which you wish to delete), right click on the column and select Delete Column. You desired columns will be deleted. 

Now you will be able to add/remove columns in SharePoint Designer Save the file when you done and your SharePoint site will be automatically updated with the new columns.
If you have any concerns/queries do let me know.
More details on Data Form WebPart

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

IT Security Bulletin: December 2012.

SQL injection is used by hackers to gain access to your database. Cross-site scripting lets a hacker add code to your website to execute tasks. A few simple steps can protect against these common attacks if you know where the weaknesses are in your network.
This 45-page guide will help you understand the risks facing your business today. It focuses specifically on the risks of data loss and loss of customer trust and discusses the ways you can use SSL to protect yourself and your business.

This guide will help you understand the methods, implications and protection measures of attacks such as intercepting communications, spoofing, directed attacks, improperly managed access control and more.

5 PowerShell snippets for SharePoint branders

A very good post by Christian on PowerSheel Snippets.
PowerShell is a command-line scripting tool that provides an administrator full access to applicable application programming interfaces (APIs), along with the ability to unlock the capability to interact directly with SharePoint 2010 Products to manipulate Web applications, site collections, sites, lists and much more. So what’s a useful thing to do with PowerShell as a SharePoint brander or a front end developer? Well, there are a lot of different types of tasks you can use PowerShell to, for example populate a list with a large amount of objects when you need to performance test your Data View Web Part or if you need to apply a theme to let’s say some site in the structure including its sub sites or if you need to batch update properties of a collection page layouts.
Maybe you see something that can be written more efficient or if you have some cool snippets of your own you like to share, please drop this in a comment. Take these snippets as they are, try them first in your developer or test environment and feel free to use them and modify in the way you want.
Running PowerShell scripts is easy and you will find many resources out there if you never used PowerShell before, when you know the basics it’s just to go ahead and try these out. This stuff is written for SharePoint 2010 but most of this can be used in SharePoint 2013 as it is.
1. Change Master Page for all sites in the collection
In this example, we are apply a customer master to all the sites in the site collection, this can be rewritten specific for SharePoint foundation, where PowerShell is much useful for such task. In this snippet I have set V4.master, so have to change the name of the master page file if apply a custom master page.
# ----- For publishing sites and non publishing sites
$site = Get-SPSite http://intranet
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
$web; $web.CustomMasterUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/V4.master";
$web.Update(); $web.CustomMasterUrl;
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
$web; $web.MasterUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/v4.master";
$web.Update(); $web.MasterUrl;
write-host "Complete! V4.master is now applied";
2. Set alternate CSS
In this way you can set a custom CSS file as an alternate CSS at the top site of your site collection, publishing sub sites will inherit the alternate CSS by default.
$web = Get-SPWeb http://intranet
$web.AlternateCssUrl = "/Style Library/MyStyles/main.css"
$web.AllProperties["__InheritsAlternateCssUrl"] = $True
3. Set a site logo
With this one you can associate a logo with all sites in the site collection by entering the URL to an image file.
(get-spsite http://intranet).AllWebs | foreach {
$_.SiteLogoUrl = "/Style%20Library/MyClient/Images/ClientLogo.png";
4. Set regional setting/locale
This one can be handy when you need to specify the way the site displays numbers, dates, and time. In this example I set locale to Swedish (1053).
$site = Get-SPSite http://intranet
foreach ($web in $site.AllWebs) {
$web; $web.Locale = 1053;
$web.Update(); $web.Locale;
5. Set a theme
This one will set a theme to all sites in the site collection. This script is originally written by MVP Yaroslav Pentsarskyy
$SiteUrl = "http://intranet"
$NewTheme = "Azure"
# Loading Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Loading SharePoint Powershell Snapin"
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
# Setting site themes on sites and sub sites
$SPSite = Get-SPSite | Where-Object {$_.Url -eq $SiteUrl}
if($SPSite -ne $null)
$themes = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.ThmxTheme]::GetManagedThemes($SiteUrl);
foreach ($theme in $themes)
if ($theme.Name -eq $NewTheme)
foreach ($SPWeb in $SPSite.AllWebs)
$theme.ApplyTo($SPWeb, $true);
Write-Host "Set" $NewTheme "at :" $SPWeb.Title "(" $SPWeb.Url ")"
Write-Host "Themes updated at:" $SPSite.Url -foregroundcolor Green
If you’re a truly SharePoint Designer guy, why not use PowerShell to check if you allowed to do your branding stuff before fire it up…
Get-SPDesignerSettings -webapplication http://intranet
There’s lot of blogs about using PowerShell in SharePoint but here’s a pic of a few cool scripts that somehow are related to this topic.
Finally he’d like to give thanks to MVP Cathy Dew for inspiring discussions about this topic; PowerShell from a brander’s perspective as well as he’d like to thanks Falak Mahmood for general discussions and suggestions for the use of PowerShell.

Question and answers asked at webinar: A deep dive into SharePoint 2013

1.     What’s the upgrade method from 2010 to 2013?
The in-place upgrade method is gone, which is good, because it was never a viable option for a production SharePoint upgrade due to the lack of rollback capabilities.

When upgrading to 2013, the approach starts with a content database attachment. When the database is attached, the SharePoint 2013 servers will contain the code for both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

Sites in the attached database will initially operate with the 2010 framework. Site collection administrators will have an option to run a trial upgrade, preview the results, and either revert back to the 2010 version or complete the upgrade to 2013. While they are previewing the results, the 2013 version of the site is actually a copy of the 2010 site.

2.     What is the difference between search and e-discovery?        
Search is a function performed by any users looking for content. E-discovery is a legal process involving the location of documents related to a specific legal action. When conducting the E-discovery, there are specific pieces of functionality available to legal professionals, such as the ability to place a hold on content to keep it from being destroyed.

3.     Is the workflow azure now an on-premise solution?
Both. The Windows Azure Workflow service can be hosted by Microsoft on the Azure platform. This option requires no local solution. However you can also install this service on your local servers. This may be installed on your SharePoint server or a dedicated server.

4.     If BCS can be developed and deployed within the application, how the data connection changes be taken care for migrating those application on production environment?
The BCS connection in the SharePoint App would be updated to match the environment it was being deployed to. The updated app can be published to the Marketplace or internal Catalog. The site collection owner will see a message that the App is ready to be updated and they can trigger the update process that contains the updated connection changes.

     5. So, the new Client API will have methods to get access to objects above the Site Collection? Currently the client API in 2010 can't.
The Client API can be used to make HTTP requests across and within site collections. This is vastly improved over SharePoint 2010. You can access operations at the Site, Web, Lists, Libraries, Workflows, BCS, Permissions, etc. What you can’t do is higher level operations, such as working with the web application objects or other farm level objects.

6.     How can we get access to server objects?

When developing Apps for SharePoint 2013, most operations that take place within a Site Collection (Lists, libraries, workflows, BCS, etc.) can be accessed using the Client APIs. You could also deploy your own service to your environment that can be used to interact with any Server Objects and then access this service through your App. A Self-Hosted or Azure-Hosted App for SharePoint can be written using server-side technologies such as ASP.NET,
Java, or PHP and can take full advantage of their server-side capabilities.
7.     Please mention what BCS is.
Business Connectivity Services. BCS provides the framework to interact with data that resides outside of SharePoint, for example as SQL Database containing your LOB data.

8.     Have there been any improvements in the area of using touch interfaces on mobile devices?
SharePoint 2013 now provides the ability to create completely different looks(master pages) for the same site but for different platforms. These device channels, as they are called, provide the ability to have one look for browsers, one for tablets, and one for smart phones.

9.     What changes will be made in Nintex for SharePoint 2013?

Nintex will be announcing their changes for SharePoint 2013 shortly. In the meantime, Nintex has provided a Platform Preview for SharePoint 2013 that utilizes the new SharePoint App Model.


Friday, December 21, 2012

Exchange Public folder migrations to SharePoint

Migrating content from Exchange Public folders to SharePoint can be a complicated task.  Public Folders contain a variety of content (email, file attachments, distribution lists, contacts, tasks, etc.), so your first task is to figure out what will be migrated and where.  Some items will go into doc libraries; others will end up in lists.  You'll have to run an extractor tool to extract content out of PF's and then import that content into SharePoint. 

Microsoft doesn't offer a free migratory tool from PF to SharePoint, so you have to either write one yourself, use a community tool, or buy a third-party product. There are some free, open-source extractor and migratory tools available, but I'd recommend going with a third-party migration tool, such as the Quest or AvePoint products:

We need to consider the following points before migrating public folders to SharePoint:

·        Find out what folders and data items you have and who has permission to access them
·        Remove any unnecessary or outdated items from the folders
·        Remove unnecessary replicas of the folders
·        Design a SharePoint infrastructure that’s suitable for your needs (a topic that’s outside the scope of this article)
·        Migrate your public folder data to SharePoint
·        Decommission your public folder servers

Few questions based on the above theory

What kind of items we need to migrate from exchange folder?
·        Mail items
·        Calendars and Appointments (Events in Calendars, including recurring events)
·        Contacts and Distribution lists
·        Posts
·        Tasks
·        Notes
·        Documents

How many public folders you have and how important they are?

Do we have any custom tool to generate a list of all your folders and their last access and modification times? (Purpose behind this-That will immediately help you identify folders that haven’t been used in a long time)

Which mode of discussion is really important by migration point of view?

Because: Exchange public folders mix discussion functionality (which we normally use for email) and document storage. SharePoint uses two separate models for these two different types of data: Document libraries hold documents, and discussion lists hold threaded discussions. If you move Exchange public folder discussions to a document library, you lose the conversation threading from Exchange; if you move documents to a discussion list, you won’t have the versioning and check-in and check-out capabilities.

Thanks Amol again for content contrubution....!

Data Optimizations in SharePoint

SharePoint mainly concentrates on the following optimization techniques:
·         Infrastructure Optimization
·         Database Optimization
·         Caching Optimization
·         Server Optimization
·         Page Optimization

Infrastructure Optimization:

Search in SharePoint is very memory intensive. It is often the first source of performance headaches.

The better the links to the database are optimized, the better the overall performance will be.
If all the servers (front-end servers and application servers) are behind the same switch, the application servers that run search will be going out through the switch each time an incremental crawl is kicked off. 

Database Optimization

Database Operations:
Different things in SharePoint have different effects on the databases
Order of items by their impact (1 being the biggest killer whereas 10 have the least impact):
·        Performance Point Services
·        Search
·        Content Query
·        Security Trimming (SPSecurityTrimmedControl delegate)
·        Collaboration
·        Workflow
·        Publishing
·        Social
·        Client Access
·        Browsing

Database Size:

Even though Microsoft says that each content database can hold up to 4 TB, the recommended practical limit is 200 GB for easily manageable backup and restores.

Analytics databases grow very quickly to very large sizes. Try to isolate Analytics databases. Analytics reports can have significant impact on CPU load.

Search uses multiple databases for its operations. It uses separate databases for crawl, properties and administration. Crawl databases can be extremely large. Crawl databases also have heavy transactional volumes. Try to isolate temp and crawl databases if possible.

Database Management:

Performing the below steps at the database might result in better performance:

·        Manually configure auto-growth settings. The default auto-growth setting in SQL Server is 1 MB. Set it to 100MB / 200 MB depending on your environment. This allows the database to grow in larger chunks, which is more efficient since these databases tend to grow rapidly.
·        Defragment database indexes regularly.
·        Limit content DB size per site collection.
·        Isolate transaction logs by writing them off onto separate disks.
·        Enforce site collection quotas in Central Administration.

Caching Optimization:

Make sure that all the custom controls / web parts use caching.

SharePoint supports the following types of cache:
1.      BLOB Cache
2.      Output Cache
3.      Object Cache
4.      Branch Cache

Server Optimization:

IIS Compression:

IIS Compression is turned on by default in Windows Server 2008. An important thing to note is that it is just enabled but not configured.  IIS Compression takes all the objects in the site, compresses them and delivers them as smaller packages to the clients.  It can be configured to be set at a level between 0 and 9. By default, it is set to 0 when it is turned on. 9 means lot of pressure on CPU utilization.  We recommend it being set to 6/7/8/9 depending upon your hardware.

Page Optimization:

Optimize Pages:

SharePoint pages contain lot of resources; these can include but are not limited to:

·        JavaScript Files
·        CSS Files
·        Navigation Controls
·        Menus
·        Web Parts
·        Custom Controls
·        Ribbon Control
·        Delegates
·        SPSecurityTrimmedControls
·        Publishing Fields
·        Search Controls
·        Hidden Controls

Customized pages (unghosted pages as they are called in earlier versions) may be easy to develop but they are bad in performance. However, The advantage with customized pages is that they can be created and modified using SharePoint Designer.  When a page is customized in SharePoint and saved, it will no longer be served from file system. Instead a copy of the page will be written into the database and from there on whenever the page is requested; it will be retrieved dynamically from the database.

Thanks Amol for your contribution for this text.

Users cannot see the checked out files in the folder/ library

I Came across a Issue today wherein the user opened a ticket for the below issue Issue : Users cannot see the checked out files in the fo...