Friday, April 19, 2013

This workbook is larger than the maximum workbook size allowed to be opened in the browser.

Problem: Whenever client wanted to open the attached Excel file from a discussion board. He gets the below error.  

Error message: This workbook is larger than the maximum workbook size allowed to be opened in the browser.
Reason: By default the Maximum workbook upload size allowed in SharePoint is 10mb (this was 100mb in 2007 environment) increase this to 50 MB the issue goes away.

How to do this:

1.   In Central Administration, in Application Management, click Manage service applications.

2.   Click Excel Services Application.

3.   Click Trusted File Locations.

4.   Click the location. This will be an added trusted file location for the site collection or a new file location.

5.   Scroll to Workbook Properties.

6.   In Maximum Workbook Size, increase the file size from 10 to 50

Reference Article:

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

                  SharePoint Foundation 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect!
    This is EXACTLY what I needed to see.



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