Friday, July 26, 2013

What's new in SharePoint 2013 upgrade

SharePoint 2013 does not support in-place upgrade for an existing environment. You must use the database-attach upgrade method to upgrade your databases to a new environment that is based on SharePoint 2013. Also, to provide more flexibility to farm administrators and site administrators, the upgrade process has changed to separate upgrade of the software and databases from upgrade of the sites.

The database-attach upgrade method offers more flexibility, more control, and a better success rate. To use a database attach upgrade, you complete the following tasks:
  1. Create and configure a new farm that is separate from the old farm
  2. Copy the content and services databases to the new farm
  3. Upgrade the data and sites

    You can upgrade the content databases in any order and upgrade several databases at the same time to speed up the overall process

Hardware requirements - Database servers 2013

Component                      Minimum requirement

Processor -                      64-bit, 4 cores for small deployments (fewer than 1,000 users)

                                       64-bit, 8 cores for medium deployments (between 1,000 to 10,000 users)

RAM -                           8 GB for small deployments (fewer than 1,000 users)

                                     16 GB for medium deployments (between 1,000 to 10,000 users)

Hard disk -                    80 GB for system drive

Hardware requirements for SharePoint 2013

The values given below are minimum values for installations on a single server with a built-in database and for web and application servers that are running SharePoint 2013 in a multiple server farm installation

Hardware requirements for SharePoint 2013
Web server or application server in a three-tier farm
Pilot, user acceptance test, or production deployment of SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Foundation 2013.   

Ram - 12 GB
Processor - 64-bit, 4 cores
Hard disk - 80 GB for system drive

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Error - When we click on new Document in the Document Library

Continously same resolution applied for different types of issues . Just wanted to keep it in a different post .

Error - When we click on new Document in the Document Library
We found that the user was using the IE 64 bit version after migration .

asked the user to use the default 32 bit version on IE which resolved the issue

Datasheet view is Grayed out - Sharepoint 2010

Today I found that there in our orgnaisation there were some upgrades done to the machine

Office 2010
IE 8
Windows 7 etc ;

Some of the users were facing issue with opening the Sharepoint list in the datasheet view .

researched and found it to be an issue with Office or IE

Ran the Repair on Office 2010 Proffessional plus however it didnt resolve the issue .

Checked the version of IE . user had opened the site in IE 64 bit and saved it as favourites .

asked the user to open IE (32 bit ) and check .

Oh the user was happy to see the Datasheet view back .

Monday, July 1, 2013

Cannot import Spreadsheet into sharepoint as a list - Sharepoint 2010/2007

I had one user who was not able to Import an excel spreadheet into Sharepoint as a list .

Was getting an Error -

You are not authorized to view this page.  
You might not have permissions to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden

User is a site collection administrator .

We got the file at our end and checked it worked fine .

we also checked with the proxy settings but even after changing it to the same as we had it did not work .

asked the user to check from a different machine with his login it worked fine

as it was realted to excel tried checking on Microsoft office Diagnostics available in Office 2007 .

and to my amaze it worked . we were able to import the spreadsheet without any issues .

Where is Microsoft office Diagnostics ?

Start =>  all programs => Microsoft Office => Microsoft Office tools => Microsoft Office Diagnostics

If at all we have office 2010 . we may have to run the Repair available under control panel .

Users cannot see the checked out files in the folder/ library

I Came across a Issue today wherein the user opened a ticket for the below issue Issue : Users cannot see the checked out files in the fo...