Friday, April 27, 2012

Configure Recycle Bin settings in Sharepoint 2010

Recycle Bins are used to help users protect and recover data.Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 supports two stages of Recycle Bins: the first-stage Recycle Bin and second-stage Recycle Bin.

When a user deletes an item, the item is automatically sent to the first-stage Recycle Bin. By default, when an item is deleted from the first-stage Recycle Bin, the item is sent to the second-stage Recycle Bin. A site collection administrator can restore items from the second-stage Recycle Bin.

You turn on and configure Recycle Bins at the Web application level. By default, Recycle Bins are turned on in all the site collections in a Web application.

 Note:  You cannot perform this task by using Windows PowerShell cmdlets. You can use the Stsadm command-line tool or the SharePoint Central Administration Web site instead.

To configure Recycle Bin settings by using Central Administration

Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group.

=> On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, click Application Management.
=> On the Application Management page, click Manage Web Applications.
=> Click the Web application for which you want to configure Recycle Bin settings. The ribbon becomes
=> On the ribbon, click the General Settings drop-down menu, and then click General Settings.
=> On the Web Application General Settings page, in the Recycle Bin section, you can configure the
      following settings:

You can set the Recycle Bins for the Web application to be On or Off. By default, Recycle Bins are turned on.

If you turn off the Recycle Bins, any existing items in both the first and second-stage Recycle Bins are deleted. Depending on how much data is contained in the Recycle Bins, deleting these items can take a long time.

You can specify a time after which items in the Recycle Bins are deleted, or you can specify that these items should never be deleted. By default, items are deleted after 30 days.

You can specify a percentage of live site quota for second-stage deleted items. The default setting is 50 percent. You can also turn off second-stage Recycle Bins. If you select Off, site collection administrators cannot recover items deleted from end-user Recycle Bins.The second-stage Recycle Bin quota percentage must be a value from 1 through 500.

7.After you have finished configuring the Recycle Bins, click OK.

Powershell command to Turn off the session state service on the farm

Disable-SPSessionStateService [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Detailed Description
The Disable-SPSessionStateService cmdlet turns off the session state service. If your farm does not depend on session state service, we recommend that you disable it.

When session state is disabled, some Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 services, components, and third-party components no longer function. Changing this property modifies the Web.config file on every content Web application on every server in the farm.

Powershell command to Disable a timer job

Disable-SPTimerJob [-Identity] <SPTimerJobPipeBind> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Identity -

Specifies the timer job to disable.
The type must be a valid GUID, in the form 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh; a valid name of a timer job (for example, TimerJob1); or an instance of a valid SPTimerJob object.

Detailed Description
The Disable-SPTimerJob cmdlet disables a timer job.

Powershell command to disable an installed SharePoint Feature at a given scope

Disable-SPFeature [-Identity] <SPFeatureDefinitionPipeBind> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Url <String>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Identity -

Specifies the name of the Feature or GUID to disable.
The type must be the name of the Feature folder located in the 14\Template\Features folder or GUID, in the format 21d186e1-7036-4092-a825-0eb6709e9281.

Other Parameters are optional

Detailed Description
The Disable-SPFeature cmdlet disables a SharePoint Feature at the given scope. If the scope of the Feature is the farm, the URL is not needed. Otherwise, provide the URL at which this Feature is to be deactivated (explicit scope is not needed).

Perform a backup of a site collection Using powershell Command

Backup-SPSite [-Identity] <SPSitePipeBind> -Path <String> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-NoSiteLock <SwitchParameter>] [-UseSqlSnapshot <SwitchParameter>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]
Identity -

Specifies the URL or GUID of the site collection to be backed up.
For example, a valid URL, such as http://server_name/sites/site_name or a GUID such as, "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef"

Path  -

Specifies the full path to the backup file (that is, C:\Backup\site_name.bak.

Detailed Description
The Backup-SPSite cmdlet performs a backup of the site collection when the Identity parameter is used.
By default, the site collection will be set to read-only for the duration of the backup to reduce the potential for user activity during the backup operation to corrupt the backup. If you have SQL Server Enterprise Edition, we recommend that UseSqlSnapshot parameter be used because this ensures a valid backup while it allows users to continue reading and writing to the site collection during the backup.

Backup of an individual database, Web application, or the entire farm Using Powershell command

Backup-SPFarm -BackupMethod <String> -Directory <String> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-BackupThreads <Int32>] [-ConfigurationOnly <SwitchParameter>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-Item <String>] [-Percentage <Int32>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]


Backup-SPFarm -ShowTree <SwitchParameter> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-ConfigurationOnly <SwitchParameter>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Item <String>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

BackupMethod - Specifies the type of backup file to be created.If a backup is performed with the

–ShowTree parameter, then the BackupMethod parameter is not used.

A full backup is a backup of all the selected data. A differential backup is a backup of all the selected data that has changed since the last full backup. If an item does not support differential backup, then a full backup is performed for that item instead.
The type must be either of the following:
- Full
- Differential

Directory  - Specifies the path where SharePoint 2010 Products stores the backup package it generates. If you have a computer on which Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and an instance of SharePoint 2010 Products are installed, you can use local drive paths. This includes a basic installation. However, if SQL Server 2008 and SharePoint 2010 Products are installed on multiple computers or if you have multiple servers running SharePoint 2010 Products, you must use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share paths so that the SQL Server database and search components are written to the same location; for example, \\computer_name\volume\Backup).

Multiple backup packages can be stored in the same location. This is the same path that you pass to the Directory parameter of the Restore-SPFarm cmdlet.
The type must be either of the valid paths:
- C:\folder_name

Other parameters are optional .

In the Second command

ShowTree - Displays which objects in the farm will be backed up based on the other parameters passed to the Backup-SPFarm cmdelt, namely the Item parameter. Items that will be excluded from the backup based on the other parameters passed to the Backup-SPFarm cmdlet will be preceded with an asterisk character (*). Items that cannot be backed up will be enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). A backup will not be performed if the ShowTree parameter is present.

Source -

What is authentication? and Understanding Claims Based Authentication

Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. In private and public computer networks (including the Internet), authentication is commonly done through the use of logon passwords. Knowledge of the password is assumed to guarantee that the user is authentic. Each user registers initially (or is registered by someone else), using an assigned or self-declared password. On each subsequent use, the user must know and use the previously declared password. The weakness in this system for transactions that are significant (such as the exchange of money) is that passwords can often be stolen, accidentally revealed, or forgotten.

For this reason, Internet business and many other transactions require a more stringent authentication process. The use of digital certificates issued and verified by a Certificate Authority (CA) as part of a public key infrastructure is considered likely to become the standard way to perform authentication on the Internet.
Logically, authentication precedes authorization (although they may often seem to be combined).

In the Microsoft world, authentication is usually performed by Active Directory.  I claim to be Sushant, and i prove this to Active Directory by providing my password. Other systems don’t trust me, they trust Active Directory. Active Directory gives systems a bit of data that says “yes, I personally know this guy. He is really Sushant.”

Now, if everyone used the same Active Directory installation in the same environment, then that’s all we would need. Claims based authentication is not needed in a simple environment like that.
But in the real world, things are different. We face three big challenges:
  • Privacy regulations and other pieces of legislation are impacting what kind of information we are allowed to capture and store about users, so in some cases we can’t just demand that people give us all of their personal details.
  • Businesses want to interoperate with other businesses, and government organisations want to provide more integrated services to citizens. However, different systems use different authentication systems (not everyone uses Active Directory, and even when they do, they have different instances.), and businesses want to integrate in a secure, legally compliant manner.
Claims based authentication is designed to address the two challenges mentioned above.
Claims based authentication addresses privacy and other compliance concerns by requesting less specific, less personal information about people, and by trusting other parties or systems to do the “proof of identity” check.

Powershell command to Upload and deploy a SharePoint solution package to the farm

Add-SPSolution [-LiteralPath] <String> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Language <UInt32>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Detailed Description
The Add-SPSolution cmdlet adds a SharePoint solution package to the farm. This cmdlet does not deploy the uploaded SharePoint solution. Use the Install-SPSolution cmdlet to deploy the SharePoint solution in the farm

LiteralPath - Specifies the path to the solution package.The type must be a valid path in either of the following forms:

- C:\folder_name
- \\server_name\folder_name

Other parameters Are optional

Please find the details at :

Deploys an installed SharePoint solution in the farm

Install-SPSolution [-Identity] <SPSolutionPipeBind> [-AllWebApplications <SwitchParameter>] [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-CASPolicies <SwitchParameter>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParameter>] [-GACDeployment <SwitchParameter>] [-Language <UInt32>] [-Local <SwitchParameter>] [-Time <String>] [-WebApplication <SPWebApplicationPipeBind>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Install-SPSolution [[-Identity] <SPSolutionPipeBind>] -Synchronize <SwitchParameter> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Language <UInt32>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Identity -

Specifies the SharePoint solution to deploy.
The type must be a valid GUID, in the form 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890bcdefgh; a valid name of a SharePoint solution (for example, SPSolution1); or an instance of a valid SPSolution object

All other Fields are Optional

SharePoint 2010 Products administration by using Windows PowerShell

This article describes how to use Windows PowerShell with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products and provides an overview of basic Windows PowerShell cmdlets and concepts necessary to get the most benefit from this powerful functionality.
Windows PowerShell is a command-line scripting tool that provides an administrator full access to applicable application programming interfaces (APIs), along with the ability to unlock the capability to interact directly with SharePoint 2010 Products to manipulate Web applications, site collections, sites, lists and much more. In addition, the administrator has the ability to script cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets"), which makes for an improved experience from past product versions.
Windows PowerShell 2.0 is a pre-requisite for installing SharePoint 2010 Products. It will be installed, if necessary, when you run the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool. By default, Windows PowerShell is located at the following path: <%SystemRoot%>\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe.
Windows PowerShell 2.0 is backward compatible with Windows PowerShell 1.0 and subsequently installs to the v1.0 folder.
We recommend that you use Windows PowerShell when performing command-line administrative tasks. The Stsadm command-line tool has been deprecated, but is included to support compatibility with previous product versions.
Accessing Windows PowerShell for SharePoint 2010 Products
After installing SharePoint 2010 Products, the applicable Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available by using the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, or by using the Windows PowerShell console. With the management shell, you can manage every aspect of SharePoint 2010 Products. You can create new site collections, Web applications, user accounts, service applications, proxies, and more. The commands from the management shell output SharePoint objects based on the Microsoft .NET Platform. These objects can be applied as input to subsequent commands or stored in local variables for later use.
With the management shell, you do not have to register the snap-in that contains the cmdlets. Registration of the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.dll module for SharePoint 2010 cmdlets is automatic, as a result of the line Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell in the SharePoint.ps1 file located in %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\Config\PowerShell\Registration. If you choose to use the Windows PowerShell console, you must register this snap-in manually.
Whether you are using the management shell or the Windows PowerShell console, you can also load additional snap-ins.
To access the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
  1. On the Start menu, click All Programs.
  2. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
  3. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
The SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and the Windows PowerShell console also differ in the use of the ReuseThread option, which defines how the threading model is used. The management shell's use is defined by this line, {Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"}, which is in the SharePoint.ps1 file
Before you can use the management shell and the Windows PowerShell cmdlets, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin.
If you do not have membership in the SharePoint_Shell_Access role or WSS_Admin_WPG local group, use the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet. When the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet is used, the user is added to the WSS_Admin_WPG group in all front-end Web servers and is added to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role. If the target database does not have a SharePoint_Shell_Access role, the role is automatically created. Once the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet has been run, the user can run SharePoint 2010 Windows PowerShell cmdlets in a multiple-server farm environment.
When you run the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet to add a user to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role, you must have the following security permissions:
  • Securityadmin server role access on the SQL instance and the db_owner role in a database.
  • Administrative permission on the local computer.
Typically, the person that will use the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet must be associated with the user account that was used for Setup.
You must run the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet for all databases to which you want to grant access. If no database is specified, the farm configuration database is used. If you do specify a database, the farm content database will be included in addition to the farm configuration database you specify.
To see a list of all of the *SPShellAdmin cmdlets, from a Windows PowerShell command prompt, type Get-Command -Noun SPShellAdmin.
Scripts and execution policies
Although you can use Windows PowerShell to perform a single administrative task, the real benefit of using Windows PowerShell cmdlets is the ability to use a script to automate a series of tasks. A script is a plain text file that contains one or more Windows PowerShell commands. Windows PowerShell scripts have a .ps1 file name extension.
When using a script, be aware that the minimum required execution policy for SharePoint 2010 Products is RemoteSigned, while the default policy for Windows PowerShell is Restricted. If the policy is left as Restricted, the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell will change the policy for Windows PowerShell to RemoteSigned. This means the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell must be launched with elevated administrative permission by selecting Run as administrator. This change will apply to all Windows PowerShell sessions.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to create a Document Library in Sharepoint 2010

Be on the site on which we want to create a Document Library .

On the Top left hand side Under Site actions You would see New Document Library

Fill In the details , Like name of the Library, Description, you can also select if you want it to be displayed in the Quick launch or not

 If you want to turn on Versioning you can enable it from here too.

The Document Library is created . you can also get into the document Library settings from here to make changes in the settings of the document library like

1. Permissions
2. versioning
3. Incoming Email settings
4. create columns , view , worflows etc

Can i Install SharePoint on Windows Vista/Windows 7

The majority of developers prefer to and, with the exception of SharePoint, usually do develop on a client operating system. This has not been possible on previous versions. Developers would have had even more of a problem in SharePoint Foundation 2010, as it will only ship in a 64-bit version. No 32-bit version will ship, not even for testing or evaluation purposes. Microsoft currently has no virtualization platform for the client operating system that supports 64-bit guests. This forces SharePoint developers to use alternate virtualization platforms (that is, VMWare that supports 64-bit guests). Or they have the option to use a server operating system such as Windows Server 2008 as a client operating system, which most are reluctant to do.

To promote development and adoption of SharePoint Foundation 2010/ SharePoint Server  2010, Microsoft has unblocked SharePoint 2010 installations on certain editions of Windows Vista and Windows 7. Only single computer installations will be allowed (one-click or single server farm). Initially this will not be an officially supported setup

What is a Farm Passphrase ?

The farm passphrase is a new security feature in SharePoint Foundation 2010. Similar to a password, it is created as part of the initial creation of a SharePoint farm (or as a part of upgrade). The passphrase is created during PSConfig portion of SharePoint installation. It is then only required for adding additional servers to the farm.

In addition to a somewhat added layer of security, the farm passphrases main function is that it is used to encrypt the credentials for the farm administrator and other “managed accounts.” Using the new managed accounts feature is optional and the details surround its use will be covered in detail in another module. Just Keep in mind that managed accounts are similar to traditional service accounts except they are managed by SharePoint. Because the credentials for these managed accounts can be encrypted by SharePoint, SharePoint also now has the capability to access account credentials and use them. For example when creating a new Web application, an administrator can select and associate a managed account to the Web application without having to know the password for that managed account. Using the encryption key created using the farm passphrase, SharePoint will be able to decrypt the credentials for any managed account. Administrators will thus potentially not have to know the passwords for any accounts managed by SharePoint, which can be a big plus in a least privileged security environment.

SharePoint 2010 Redirect Web Part

This is a sandbox web part for SharePoint 2010.

The web part will redirect a user to a given page if that user is effectively part of a SharePoint group. So If a user is in Active Directory group and the AD group is in the given SharePoint group, the user will be redirected.

Please use the following Link

what is a SharePoint redirect what part?The SharePoint redirect Web parts is a SharePoint 2010 sandbox solution. It gives you a Web parts that you can place on any SharePoint page. The web parts will automatically redirects the user to any specified page based on the user's membership to a SharePoint group whether this membership is a direct membership or an indirect membership.

A direct membership means that the user is directly added to the SharePoint group. An indirect membership means that the user for example belongs to an active directory group and that active directory group is part of the SharePoint group.


This solution is simple. The only file you need is the WSP file. And the only access you need is to be a SharePoint site collection administrator.

Simply navigate to the site collection site settings page link like on solutions. Add a solution by selecting the WSP file. Then activate the solution. Once you do that browse to any page where you want and the Web part and try to insert a web part to the page. Under the custom Web part category you will see the Web part.


Configuring the web part is easy. Simply edit the web parts and you'll see three main fields to to use. The first one is the SharePoint group name. This is the group that the current user will be tested against and the user will be redirected based on whether they belong to that group or not. The second field is then redirect to page. This is the page to be redirected to event the user belongs to that SharePoint group. The last field is a status field which simply either makes the web part active or inactive.

This web part is very useful in any SharePoint environment. Espeically in hosted SharePoint environments where uploading server side code is not allowed.

Software requirements (SharePoint Server 2010)

These are Minimum requirements

Database server in a farm - One of the following:

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2012.

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Cumulative Update 2.

We do not recommend that you use CU3 or CU4, but instead CU2, CU5, or a later CU than CU5.

The 64-bit edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 3 (SP3).

Single server with built-in database

The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server; or the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server.

If you are running Windows Server 2008 without SP2, the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool installs Windows Server 2008 SP2 automatically.

You must download an update for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 before you run Setup. The update is a hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that is installed by the Preparation tool. It provides a method to support token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation (

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

For information, see the related KB article Two issues occur when you deploy an ASP.NET 2.0-based application on a server that is running IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5 in Integrated mode (

The preparation tool installs the following prerequisites:
Web Server (IIS) role

Application Server role

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1

SQL Server 2008 Express with SP1

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0

Microsoft Chart Controls for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Windows PowerShell 2.0

SQL Server 2008 Native Client

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

A hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that provides a method to support token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)

If you have Microsoft "Geneva" Framework installed, you must uninstall it before you install the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).

Front-end Web servers and application servers in a farm

The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server with SP2; the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server; or the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server. If you are running Windows Server 2008 with SP1, the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool installs Windows Server 2008 SP2 automatically.

Note: You must download an update for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 before you run Setup. The update is a hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that is installed by the Preparation tool. It provides a method to support token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation (

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

For information, see the related KB article Two issues occur when you deploy an ASP.NET 2.0-based application on a server that is running IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5 in Integrated mode (

The preparation tool installs the following prerequisites:
Web Server (IIS) role

Application Server role

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1

Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64)

Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0

Microsoft Chart Controls for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Windows PowerShell 2.0

SQL Server 2008 Native Client

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

A hotfix for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that provides a method to support token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF.

Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)

Note: If you have Microsoft "Geneva" Framework installed, you must uninstall it before you install the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).

Client computer A supported browser.

Optional software

Environment Optional software
Single server with built-in database and front-end Web servers and application servers in a farm
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 to work with PowerPivot workbooks.

Windows 7 or Windows Vista.

SQL Server Remote BLOB Store installation package from the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

The preparation tool installs the following optional software:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies 2010 (SSRS) to use Access Services for SharePoint Server 2010.

Microsoft Server Speech Platform to make phonetic name matching work correctly for SharePoint Search 2010.

Client computer
Microsoft Office 2010 client.
Microsoft Silverlight 3.

Access to applicable software

The Web Server (IIS) role and the Application Server role can be enabled manually in Server Manager.

In scenarios where installing prerequisites directly from the Internet is not possible or not feasible, you can install the prerequisites from a network share. For more information, see Install prerequisites from a network share (SharePoint Server 2010).
SharePoint Server 2010 Standard Trial (

SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Trial (

2010 Server Language Packs for SharePoint Server 2010, Project Server 2010, Search Server 2010, and Office Web Apps 2010 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 and SharePoint Server 2010: Better Together (white paper)

Business Productivity at Its Best: Microsoft Office 2010 and SharePoint Server 2010 Better Together (white paper)

Windows Server 2008 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 (

SQL Server 2008 (

SQL Server 2005 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SP1 (

Cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (

Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2008 ( Download the SQL_Server_2008_RTM_CU5_SNAC file.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP3 (

Cumulative update package 3 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 (

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2 (

Windows Server 2008 with SP 2 FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (

Windows Server 2008 R2 FIX: A hotfix that provides a method to support the token authentication without transport security or message encryption in WCF is available for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1 (

Windows Identity Foundation for Windows Server 2008 (

Windows Identity Foundation for Windows Server 2008 R2 (

Microsoft Sync Framework v1.0 (

Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs (

Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (

Windows PowerShell 2.0 (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client (

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET (

KB979917 - QFE for Sharepoint issues - Perf Counter fix & User Impersonation (

For Windows Server 2008 SP2, download the Windows6.0-KB979917-x64.msu (Vista) file.

For Windows Server 2008 R2, download the Windows6.1-KB979917-x64.msu (Win7) file.

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ( for Windows Server 2008 SP2

ADO.NET Data Services Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ( for Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7

Microsoft Silverlight 3 (

Microsoft Office 2010 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services Add-in for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies 2010 (

SQL Server Remote BLOB Store installation package from the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. For the download, go to the Download Center (

Microsoft Server Speech Platform (

Speech recognition language for English (

Speech recognition language for Spanish (

Speech recognition language for German (

Speech recognition language for French (

Speech recognition language for Japanese (

Speech recognition language for Chinese (

Office Communicator 2007 R2 (

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit) (

Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-bit) (
The 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Standard, Enterprise, Data Center, or Web Server with SP2

Hardware requirement => SharePoint Server 2010

Hardware requirements — Web servers, application servers, and single server installations

The requirements in the following table apply both to installations on a single server with a built-in database and to servers running SharePoint Server 2010 in a multiple server farm installation.

Component Minimum requirement

Processor - 64-bit, four cores

RAM - 4 GB for developer or evaluation use , 8 GB for production use in a single server or multiple server farm

Hard disk - 80 GB for system drive

You must have sufficient space for the base installation and sufficient space for diagnostics such as logging, debugging, creating memory dumps, and so on. For production use, you also need additional free disk space for day-to-day operations. Maintain twice as much free space as you have RAM for production environments. For more information, see Capacity management and sizing for SharePoint Server 2010.

Hardware requirements—Database servers

The requirements in the following table apply to database servers in production environments with multiple servers in the farm.

Component Minimum requirement Processor - 64-bit, four cores for small deployments , 64-bit, eight cores for medium deployments

RAM - 8 GB for small deployments , 16 GB for medium deployments

Note: These values are higher than those recommended as the minimum values for SQL Server because of the distribution of data required for a SharePoint Products 2010 environment

Hard disk - 80 GB for system drive
Hard disk space is dependent on the size of your SharePoint content.

What are the different Types of Upgrade method used in Sharepoint 2010

Before you run any process to upgrade from Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, you have to determine which upgrade approach to take.

Use the information in this article to help compare the pros and cons for each approach and to review information about special cases that might influence your approach

Approach Description Pros Cons
In-place upgrade You can install SharePoint Server 2010 on the same hardware. You can also upgrade the content and settings in the server farm as part of a single process. Farm-wide settings are preserved and upgraded. Customizations are available in the environment after the upgrade, although manual steps may be required to upgrade or rework them.Servers and farms are offline while the upgrade is in progress. The upgrade proceeds continuously. Consequently, you must allocate enough time for all content to be upgraded in sequence.
Database attach upgrade You can upgrade the content for the environment on a separate farm. The result is that you do not upgrade any of the services or farm settings. You can upgrade the databases in any order and upgrade several databases at the same time. While each database is being upgraded, the content in that database is not available to users.You can upgrade multiple content databases at the same time, which results in faster upgrade times overall than an in-place upgrade. You can use a database attach upgrade to combine multiple farms into one farm.The server and farm settings are not upgraded. You must manually transfer settings that you want to preserve from the old farm to the new farm. Any customizations must also be transferred to the new farm manually. Any missing customizations may cause unintended losses of functionality or user experience issues. Copying databases over a network takes time and bandwidth. You must plan for that. You need direct access to the database servers.

What is Service Application Framework?

 => Replacement for the Shared Services Provider  in MOSS 2007
=> API provided by backend application servers and consumed by front-end application servers.
=> Used for developing middle-tier applications that are hosted in SharePoint and provide data and   
      resources to other SharePoint features
=> Enables services to be shared between computers on a server farm
=> Load balance and manage services
=> Out of the box - 20 built in services
=> Certain objects automatically backed up and restored
=> Ideal for deploying, managing and discovering WCF service clients and endpoints.
=> Windows Powershell support
=> Timer job infrastructure available at Service-scope
=> Use of SharePoint configuration store and support for storing data in SharePoint managed custom database is available

Load Balancing

=> Use Round robbing load balancing
=> Service application proxy method invocations must be routed thru the front end web server to an
      appropriate app server by using a load balancing tool.
=> Calls between frontend and app servers to require separate external load balancer than the load         
      balancing for front-end web servers
=> SPRoundRobinServiceLoadBalancer can be enhanced or replaced by third party.

Management and Administration

=> Services plug their management UI into SharePoint Service Management page
=> Common admin tools such as upgrade, backup, restore and account management
=> Common UI to manage, start, stop, group, associate, federate and backup SharePoint services.
=> Can define specialized admin roles and can be delegated to users who are not farm admins
=> Security trimmed


•Claims-based identity model  Example - Search service


The Service Application Framework allows developers to provide load balanced middle-tier resources that can be managed through SharePoint and leverage the full power of SharePoint 2010.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Installing SharePoint 2010 SP1

****  Key Points to Remember while installing SP1 for Sharepoint ****

=>  The packages may require up to four times their file size in remaining disk space during installation
      So make sure that you have sufficient disk space

=> Restart the computer at the end of the installation.

=> If you are using Office Web Apps in a mixed version environment, where Office Web Apps has SP1-or-later applied while SharePoint Server 2010 remains on the RTM version, you must install the following two updates before you install SP1 for Office Web Apps:

    • 2510639  ( )
    • 2510648  ( )
  • Install the service packs in the following order on every server in the farm:
    1. Service Pack 1 for SharePoint Foundation 2010
    2. Service Pack 1 for SharePoint Foundation 2010 Language Pack (if applicable)
    3. Service Pack 1 for SharePoint Server 2010
    4. Service Pack 1 for SharePoint Server 2010 Language Pack (if applicable)
  • After installing Service Pack 1 you must run the SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard Just incase it fails or there are any issues .

    Run the Command : psconfig –cmd upgrade –inplace b2b -wait

    One time on every server in the farm. This step updates the farm to the latest version and is required in order to have full SharePoint functionality. If you do not run the wizard, the farm will run with reduced capacity. i.e; Search will not be able to index content

    You must restart the User Profile Synchronization service after installing Service Pack 1

  • After the SP1 is installed, the Workflow feature is disabled when a new site collection is created. To use the Workflow feature in a new site collection, enable it in the Site Collection Settings page.

  • After you are done it is strongly recommend that you install the install the June 2011 Cumulative Update refresh package.

  • The June Cumulative Update includes several important security and bug fixes that are not included Service Pack 1.

  • 2536601  ( ) Description of the SharePoint Foundation 2010 cumulative update package (SharePoint Foundation server-package): June 30, 2011

    2536599  ( ) Description of the SharePoint Server 2010 cumulative update package (SharePoint server-package): June 30, 2011

    Users cannot see the checked out files in the folder/ library

    I Came across a Issue today wherein the user opened a ticket for the below issue Issue : Users cannot see the checked out files in the fo...