Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unable to “Edit series” for an event in calendar list

ISSUE:   Unable to “Edit series” for an event in calendar list


 There is a repeating event (event series) in sharepoint calendar list with “All day event” selected and no specific start and end time. When someone open an event and then clicks on "Edit series", it opens up the series in edit mode. But after making any type of changes, page can’t be saved and clicking “Ok” returns to same edit page reflecting some validation errors which doesn't allow us to commit the changes.


Solution for this problem issue is simple . Whether we make changes to the series or not, we must uncheck the box for “All day event” and then select the check box again.

Duplicate items appear when viewing items in Datasheet view


Duplicate items appear when viewing items in Datasheet view in SharePoint. This also happens when using the Export to Spreadsheet (Excel). If duplicate entries appear in Datasheet view, they will also appear during Export to Spreadsheet and vice versa.


 The list has got versioning switched off, and views fine in standard list view. However, when you switch to either datasheet view or Export the file to Excel it shows the same rows three times in as sequence.


The affected lists have a Required lookup field which allows multiple values. If you have a view that does not include this field and it is either a datasheet or you "Switch to Datasheet" then datasheet shows duplicate items depending on how many multi-values are selected.

Our work-around was to create a specific Datasheet view with the field included. The multi-value field does not show in datasheet, because multi-value lookup fields don't seem to work in datasheet. However, it's important to include the field in the view to avoid duplicates. Unfortunately, if you have a view that does not include the field and then "Switch to Datasheet" you will encounter the same problem.

The duplicates appear also when you try to Export to Excel. If you have a view that would be affected by the "Switch to Datasheet" duplicate problem, when you try to Export to Excel, it will also appear.

Note : Please check with the Admin of the list before you uncheck multiple values.

Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer

Machine configuration:
Operating System: Windows Vista
Explorer Version: IE 8.0
Office Version: Office 2010

Error Message: Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer

Checks to be followed:

* Start / Restart WebClient Service

1. Open the "Run" prompt (key combination Start+R)
2. Type services.msc and press Enter.
3. Locate WebClient service
4. Make sure your service startup mode is set to automatic (right click it, select "Properties", and under "General" tab select "Automatic" from the "Startup Type" dropdown"
5. Start the service or restart it if it’s already running. auto-detection of proxy The way to turn this off is in Internet Explorer:
1. In Tools select Internet options.
2. Select Connections tab
3. click Lan settings button
4. under Automatic configuration clear the Automatically detect settings checkbox.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Excel Cannot Connect to SharePoint List

One interesting issue that i came accross today .

The user had created a list .

When he selects list Actions => Export to spreadsheet

Excel opens up and Displays 'Security' dialog box by giving the option of 'ENABLE' and 'DISABLE'.

User Clicks on the Enable button then we get the 'Import Data' dialog box , and then he clicks OK.

As soon as he clicks the OK button  an error message comes up Excel Cannot Connect to SharePoint List or at times it may also happen that you may receive the following error : Cannot connect to the server at this time. Changes to you Data cannot be saved.

I researched and found a solution to the issue shared by one of my friend


It says :

 Generally we start our troubleshooting from the SharePoint side as what is wrong with my SharePoint site, Is there any problem in the SharePoint list, Does the Office which is installed on the machine is causing the problem ? Is there any site collection feature turned off? Is there any problem in the SP-Database? Problem with the IIS? so things are there by which we can think off but don't waste your time in doing all these things as I have done all these things and the resolution is quite simple which you can implement without any help.

1. Open the Internet Explorer
2. Tools
3. Internet Options
4. Advanced Settings
5. Scroll downwards and reach towards the section named as "Security"
6. CHECK FOR SERVER CERTIFICATE REVOCATION--which is by default checked
7. Unchecked it
8. Apply and Ok
9. Close all the internet explorers (IE) and open your SharePoint site in a new IE i.e. Browser/Explorer
10. You should be able to export the spreadsheet without any problems/issues.
Thanks to Amol Ghuge .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cannot add an existing SharePoint 2007 list to a Office Access 2007 database

One of my users had this issue .

The user was trying to add an existing list to a access 2007 db . and was getting an error .

Error : You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '<ListName>' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you .

After we did some research i found a KB article for the same .


In this the Cause is mentioned as

This problem occurs because the Access 2007 database engine disallows columns that have names that contain more than 64 characters

To work around this problem, use only column names that contain less than 64 characters in Windows SharePoint Services lists

Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section

Please check out the Steps to reproduce the problem in the KB article (link) provided.

Monday, October 1, 2012

"E-Mail Notification" option is missing from Advanced Settings

Hi ,

Today i came accross a issue in which the user has some data in access db . Which he imported in Sharepoint as a list .

The user wants to send a notification to the user who is assigned to it .

I tried giving him the option of workflow , Alerts however he wanted something which was OOB and not the same .

He had the functionality working on a different list where he did not have access to.

So i checked and found that there was an option of Email - notification in the advanced settings of the list

This is what I found

Tasks, Project tasks, and Issue-tracking lists can send e-mail to people when items are assigned to them if outgoing mail is enabled.  Other lists can support the same functionality, but you'd have to do something custom.  You could create a notification workflow in SharePoint Designer to handle this.

Users cannot see the checked out files in the folder/ library

I Came across a Issue today wherein the user opened a ticket for the below issue Issue : Users cannot see the checked out files in the fo...