Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to create a survey in sharepoint 2010

  • Click the Site Actions and select the more option and you will get Some More options to Create 

  • You will find All categories under which you will find Data in the left hand pane and survey option in the Right hand side pane .

  • Click on survey and More options on the right hand side to fill in the details  
  • Click on Create and then it will take you to the next screen where you will design the survey Example shown in the screen shot

  • Click on Finish and there you go the survey is created . 

If you want to make any modifications in the existing survey . 
You need to navigate to the Survey  => Survey Settings

You will see all the settings as shown below .

You can Edit the Column choices . Questions . Permissions Advanced settings


  1. Hi ,

    Thanks for your time and feedback . I will kepp posting some good and useful content Keep Visiting .



  2. Is there a way to go stratight to the survey and skip the step to have to click "Respond to this survey"?


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