Monday, December 17, 2012

Question: Is it possible to set my newly created custom page in my SharePoint site as the home page.

Ans. Yes, it’s possible to use a custom page as a home page. You can set it in multiple ways:
  • If you have enabled the Publishing features on your site, or your site was created from a Publishing template, then you can just go to Site Actions, Site Settings and click Welcome Page, then select a page.
  • You can open the site in SharePoint Designer, right-click any .ASPX page, and select Set as Home Page.
  • If you're a developer, you can set the home page by using code. See the MSDN page "SPFolder.WelcomePage property" for more information.
  • If you're a SharePoint administrator, you can use a Windows PowerShell script to select a master page:
$web = $site.RootWeb
        (or $web = $site.OpenWeb("yoursubsite")
$folder = $web.RootFolder
$folder.WelcomePage = "SitePages/home.aspx"
        (or  $folder.WelcomePage = "default.aspx")
        (or  $folder.WelcomePage = "Shared%20Documents/mycustomwebpartpage.aspx")

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