Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Redirection of a site to another site using Content editor Webpart

Our Client migrated all its sites from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010, and there was a need to redirect users from one site to another in some sites.

·         Edit the page where you would like to include the redirect script
·         Add a Content Editor Web Part on the page
·         Edit the Content Editor Web Part properties , rename the web part to something more meaningful such as, Redirect.
·         Select the Content Editor Web Part Click here to add new content link
·         Locate the HTML icon within the Markup section of the ribbon, select it, and then select Edit HTML Source.
·          Type in (or copy and paste) the code below in the HTML Source web page dialog that displays

<script '"text/javascript"'>//<![CDATA[alert("This site has been moved to another location. You will be redirected momentarily.");//]]></script>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=">

·         Select Ok and save the page.
·         The script above is set up to redirect after 10 seconds. You can increase or decrease the time frame.
·         Remember to also replace the URL above with the appropriate destination URL that applies to your particular situation.

Note:  If you are building a web part and is crashing the webpage, here is a quick way to remove it and get the rest of the page working. Add contents=1 to for example, if the page url is http://siteurl/default.aspx then change it to http://siteurl/default.aspx?contents=1 and it will bring up the web part page maintenance page and lists all the web parts that are used in that page and provides way to delete selected web parts , switch view or reset.


Users cannot see the checked out files in the folder/ library

I Came across a Issue today wherein the user opened a ticket for the below issue Issue : Users cannot see the checked out files in the fo...